Yo, welcome to this crap page! Do you like it? I do! ^_^ This is
a page for all my stuff in my chibichibi directory on Vauss... I realized
that some people have some how made it to that particular directory
so I decided to put an index page on there. This page will show all
current webpages within this directory and what might appear in here
soon or later. The picture up there is of Sesshomaru from Inu Yasha.
The picture was drawn and colored and ect by me so do me the favor
of not stealing any part of him... or you will die. Anyway, lets get
this party started!
- THIS IS BEING REDONE! Cause like... as much as I like having the little uploader thing... it always goes confuck on meh so I will be makin a new layout and all that good crap sooner or later...
- Between now
and then: Forever and a Day is a fantasy story I'm kinda working on
between art and stuff. It's about a girl who is the reincarnation
of an elf princess that sealed up a dragon lord over a thousand years
ago. Very cheesey... yes... oozing...
- Black Dawn is another story I plan on working on. Your typical end of the world
story really with the world's destiny in one person's hands. - "sequelness to SoP"
- Sex on Paper - not really a new site... D; well it is kinda... :3 Follows Mahzian Imagawa around as he tries to get rid of a supposid curse while dealing with a bubble head miko and fighting ninjas, demons, etc.
All things on this webpage belong to ChibiChibi-chan,
Sesshomaru is property of Rumiko Takahashi.